Together with our network of do-gooders, people who roll up their sleeves, and other idealistic types, we want to challenge the world to do better. It is within our reach. Will you join us?
This is how we make a difference.
All equal or else
Appetite for the future
Leven uit de kunst
You learn and live
Making places
Sustainability is the best policy

Diversity and inclusion
All equal
A society in which we celebrate diversity, where people experience equal rights, where older people connect with the young, neighbours support each other, where your education level says nothing about your talent or ambition, and where it doesn't matter how you identify yourself or who you love. That's how we get people to join in!
a.o: ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn, en Sport, Stichting Humanitas, War Child

Food transition
What’s the future of our food?
The way we grow, process, and trade our food does harm the climate, biodiversity, and animal welfare. What ends up on our plates is often too much, too greasy, too salty, and too sugary. Luckily, some people see solutions and join us in leading the way to create a healthy, fair, and sustainable food system. Meaning: more vegetables on our plates, locally produced food, innovation in agriculture, and new forms of doing business.
a.o: Food Hub, Milieudefensie, InHolland

Kunst & Cultuur
Kunst & cultuur in schok
Kunst en cultuur prikkelt, beroert, en maakt gelukkig. Vandaag de dag wordt de waarde van kunst helaas vooral in geld uitgedrukt. Samen met verschillende idealisten en aanjagers uit de cultuursector bedenken we nieuwe manieren en modellen om de cultuursector de man te brengen en te democratiseren. Zo heeft niet slechts een klein groepje toegang tot de rijkdom aan kunst en cultuur die ons land te bieden heeft, maar genieten mensen uit alle lagen van de bevolking er in de toekomst van. Hoe we dit doen? Met nieuwe woorden, nieuwe beelden, nieuwe communicatie. Noem ons optimistisch, progressief of ambitieus, want wij zien het wel voor ons. Een toekomst om in te lijsten.
a.o: IHLIA LGBTI heritage, Amsterdam Light Festival, Futures Photography

Education and development
You learn and live
Our education system is among the best worldwide, but it’s not for everyone. The pressure on teachers and students is high, segregation remains a problem, and when we think of school, we still think of a building. Equal opportunities for all, lifelong learning, and innovation in education allow us to grow. As people. And as a society.
a.o: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Kennisland, Zone.College

Community building and placemaking
Making places
The population is growing, and fast too. More people means more need for new, sustainable places that make us healthier and happier. Whether it’s a city, neighborhood, landscape, building, or temporary place - if it is up to us, every space will not only be used but also loved.
a.o: Hoog Catharijne, Zuidas Amsterdam, Goede Doelen Loterijen

Going green and clean energy
Sustainability is the best policy
Lead by example and others will follow. Solar panels on your roof are contagious, separating waste is part of the game, and fossil-free driving is the trend. The good thing is: we can all contribute to a future-proof world. Whether with small steps or big strides.
a.o: Desso Tarkett, Wageningen University, Food Hub, Charity Lotteries

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Kunst & cultuur
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